Alex walked along, glancing to Persephone as she talked before smirking slightly. "Bet you wish you did though eh?" She said slyly but hummed a little as she then spoke to Urick. The tall red head noticed a girl get pushed by some guy and she was about to go in and yell at him but Urick beat her to it in a more calm approach. Alex didn't like jackasses, she herself have been pushed around before as a child simply for being tall and a orphan, a combo that led to stupid teasing but she quickly took on the role of kicking their sorry asses. Her attention was then cut to a fiend charging. She had never seen the beast before and it made her wary. Alex knew just about everything about the island, including the monsters. Condors were bird like fiends that were pretty harmless and easy to defeat, it was just hard hitting them if someone didn't use a range attack but they also only use physical attacks. Dingos were probably the easiest to kill since they are also physical and pretty one good slash does the trick, only problem is that someone could get briefly silenced or put to sleep. Water Flan were a bit more difficult, since really only magic users could harm them, but otherwise, they don't take too long. Piranha's mostly stay in the waters, even so single hits can kill them pretty easily. Really the only worrying monster is a Garuda which is big and flies. Having the ability sonic boom to hit a whole battle party. Just then a woman riding a black Chocobo came charging in and dealt with the beast before dismounting and having the nerve to yell at Gippal. Feeling her own temper, Alex glared and growled. "Are you a idiot? It's not like we ask people to crowd us or take pictures of our asses! Anyone coming here should be prepared for fiends and locals know it! You! Probably brought that foriegn fiend with you, you-" she was shouting before the Chocobo came and took Gippal's ball, shoving the two in the water, Blue eyes watching them, Alex looked at the Chocobo, she started to laugh a little. "Heh... Guess you both deserved that. Props to you Choco!" She said, clapping a little before resuming the journey along the path to the village. "Hurry up Gip! Or your going to miss Lady Yuna's welcoming dinner! And she's making her famous waffles!" She called, waving her hand casually.