Name: James Hunter Creature/Race: Angel/Vampire Hybrid Appearance: [img=] (instead of one white wing, he has two crimson red wings) Backstory: James grew up in a terrible family. HIs dad beat him, his mom was a drug addict(and also beat him), so he had to train himself to be tough, even going so far as getting someone to train him in multiple fighting styles. Because of all this abuse, he acquired a high pain tolerance, enough that he was almost immune to pain. He found his escape one day, though, in the form of a Deadzone portal, which he eagerly entered. just to see if it would take him away from his horrible life. When he stepped through, though, he found that he was now a hybrid between a vampire and an angel, with all of the strengths and abilities of both, while having none of their weaknesses, since each one's strength, cancels out the other's weakness. Other: