As a tall, built and seemingly experienced man entered the Guild and greeted Beatrix, Measha stood idly by, allowing the two to catch up as they seemed to be old friends, or maybe even rivals considering the passive aggressive comments. It was a shame to hear that all the jobs had been taken, although he stood still and casual, Measha's body and mind were on fire, he was pumped and ready for action. He had felt this way the whole trip here and it was disappointing that he would have to wait for who knows how long for the others to return. Although it would give him a chance to get somewhat acquainted with the Guildmaster, and the town itself. He was also just as eager to take a look at the book the old man had given him not even ten minutes ago. [b]"Obviously you jest Beatrix ... This pup can't keep up with me if he tried . I may be old but I'm not decrepid!"[/b] Measha shot the stranger a glance. He wasn't from around here, and wasn't exactly sure who this guy was, but from the reaction the others seemed to give him when he walked in it was obvious he had somewhat of a reputation. Measha was about to reply with a snarky comment after the man was done with his confident speech, but he recalled the incident he made just moments ago when he mistook Beatrix for a common bartender. [b]"Think before you act"[/b] he thought to himself. [b]"Speaking of the Guild,"[/b] Measha said aloud, letting the strangers comment go. [b]"Beatrix, I came here prepared to take on a job immediately, but since there are none, is there anything else I could do around here?"[/b]