Elliot pushed open the guild doors with a big smile on her face. She was dusty and dirty and had just managed to bag herself another reward off another job. She was getting worried though, she had always worked alone before she joined a guild and now that she had.... Well, she couldn't be doing higher level jobs without someone to do them with. She sighed, she'd have to find someone. She ran a hand through her hair was a couple of strangers caught her eye. Or one stranger and one very familiar bounty hunter. She grinned and walked over to him and Beatrix, "Hiya Bea.... Hello Hector." - Hector stood up more straight as he heard "Hiya Bea, hello Hector." With out even looking he knew who it was. That voice was very distinctive... That rubbed him the wrong way. He didn't want to give her a reply but he knew she would bug him till he acknowledged her... As she did in the past... Usually with a fire blast at his head. With a gruff disgruntled voice he replied " Don't tell me your a member here..." - Elliot laughed as he seemed rather displeased that she was here. She pulled her coat aside and showed off her lovely mark of Azure Dragon Guild. She grinned, "Why, of course I am." She leaned on the table next to him, "Don't tell me you're looking to join.... Giving up the life as a bounty hunter.... Someone get away?" - He looked at her mark and sighed with a sense of disappointment. As he looked away while she continue to speak. Then when she made a comment about someone getting away he growled. "No actually. I would still be out there right now if it wasn't for Beatrix creating this guild. Why did you join? Your reputation as a loud mouth psychotic pyro start to make you lose what work you had? - Elliot pursed her lips and shook her head, "No," she said firmly before crossing her arms, "I was looking for a real challenge" - "Making friends? I would agree that is a challenge for you ." He said with a sly smile - "Says you," She retorted with a laugh. She shook her head, "Well, it'll be a [i]pleasure[/i] to have ya... What do you call yourself? Frozen Fang.... Ya..." She held his gaze for a moment before smirking, "You know.... You aren't as scary as you think." - He raised an eyebrow at her comment about his nick name. Then she comment on him not being scary and he shook his head. "I didn't pick that name... And the only reason your saying that is because I never went all out on you in the past. " he thought a moment. "Actually I don't think I even used half of my power on you and still manage to knock you around pretty good." He said with a smile. - Elliot let out a laugh and shook her head at him, "I don't believe that," She stopped leaning against the table and moved as close to him as she could before whispered, "And I don't think Jango would either." She stepped back and placed her hands on her hips, "Hm?" She said in a rather delighted tone. She looked to the Guild Master and grinned, "Good seeing you again, Beatrix," She turned away from the two of them and walked over to the job board before she started perusing for her next job. She pursed her lips, there were a couple she was interested in but that her current level, she'd need someone.... but who?