Name: Michael Miller (Mikhaíl Mel'nik/Михаил Mельник) Creature/Race: Weretroll (problem? :rock) Appearance: [url=,1219748754,3/stock-photo-a-russian-mafia-figure-with-a-large-facial-scar-carrying-a-hand-gun-16557259.jpg]Human appearance[/url], [url=]troll appearance after transformation[/url] Backstory: Michael was the boss of a Moscow gangster group called Lenin's Guards, a bunch nostalgic thugs who "fought against the Bourgeoisie elites". In reality, all they did was playing loud Soviet era music while beating people up with vodka bottles. Compared to the rest of his "comrades", Michael was a cut above intellectually. Michael attended med school a few years ago, but was quickly expelled due to suspicions of stealing pig organs and selling them on the black market. During one particularly nasty run-in with the police, Michael escaped to the roof top of a skyscraper, just as he thought he had outsmarted the police, Michael was zapped by a lightening bolt. When Michael woke up, he was at another world. Confused and angry, Michael noticed something different about himself, he was turning into something he never imagined... Other: Michael is a little older then 30 years old. He will transform into a weretroll for a couple of hours each day, in addition, violent mood swings can also cause transformation (be aware :hehe).