[b]Name:[/b] Malocchio (Darwin Jones) [b]Creature/Race:[/b] Chaos Lord [hider=Chaos Lord] Where other beings spread chaos out of enjoyment or a lust for power Chaos Lords unleash death and destruction out of a need to sustain themselves. Unlike other monsters that feed on blood or flesh Chaos Lords feed on chaos of any form, from whole sale slaughter or the crumbling of someone's life. They are truly shapeless masses, composed of darkness blood and other unspeakable things they are normally covered in countless eyes, that wander both the Deadzone and Earth spreading mayhem. They are considered mad and insane almost beyond understanding, though they are known to cut deals. Their abilities mainly are based on their shape shifting, being able to turn into almost anything that comes to there deranged minds. Their true form is almost impossible to touch with out them willingly it or they are forced to by a stronger holy being. But despite their physical powers what should be truly feared about them is their seemingly limitless knowledge on the forbidden, be it magic or the crimes of mortals. It is said their favorite form of chaos to create is by spreading a dark truth they have picked up, like an affair of a unfaithful wife or the murder of a loved one. [/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=True Form] [I][u]Formless Mass:[/u][/I] Malocchio in his true state is a large cloud like mass that continuously shifts, having countless eyes. [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2009/364/c/6/Alucard__s_charming_smile_by_Miriele.jpg[/img] [I][u]Humanoid form:[/u][/I] When he needs arms or legs Malocchio becomes a bit more solidified. [img]http://www.wallpaperfly.com/thumbnails/detail/20120313/ergo%20proxy%20artwork%20moons%20demon%201920x1080%20wallpaper_www.wallmay.com_80.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Other Forms] [I][u]Human Form:[/u][/I] When he needs to talk to others with out driving them mad Malocchio dawns this human form. [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32200000/Sexy-the-sexy-vampire-alucard-32206121-700-502.jpg[/img] [img]http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxxdwdxr531r3bqcbo1_500.jpg[/img] [I][u]Dog Form:[/u][/I] One of Malocchio's favorite forms is a large demonic dog. [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/221/d/f/Don__t_Stop_Horrow_Show_by_maladies.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Backstory:[/b] Darwin was born the youngest child of a wealthy family of businessmen, musicians, artists, and doctors. Since the day he was born Darwin had everything handed to him, from his school work, toys, cars and anything else he wanted. He was contempt with this life for a while but it slowly began to bore him. Looking for excitement he turned to drugs, racing, and gambling. This high risk life style eventually lead to him killing a guy who owed him some money from a poker match. That was when Darwin made a shocking discovery, the thrill he got from killing. So he did it again... and again... and again until the point that he became a infamous serial killer. But evidence finally lead the cops to him and to a shoot out, Darwin taking out about a half a dozen police officers before a portal consumed him and transported him to the Deadzone. [b]Other:[/b] An example of how Malocchio fights. Warning is pretty graphic so do not click if you are faint of heart. [youtube]0T0z-xMp908[/youtube]