[hider=Sorren Kain]Name: Sorren Kain Age: 23 Position/Title: Royal Guard Appearance: [img= http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/165/7/a/spes_concept_by_felicemelancholie-d53fhxq.png] Personality: Calm, quiet, careful, pensive, efficient. (When not dealing with Meloetta) History: Sorren doesn’t like fighting, avoiding conflict of any kind whenever possible. He doesn’t like it because he’s good at it, and he doesn’t want that as his reputation. So he’s changed his specialty from frontline fighting to intel gathering and covert operations. Sorren was a troublemaker as a child, always starting fights and getting himself and others hurt. When he was older, Sorren broke into the castle just to prove he could. Once inside he was faced with a dozen guards. He took them all on at once, [i]and their pokemon[/i]. It goes without saying that he was destroyed, nearly killed, but that these guards were forced to use their strongest attacks to defeat a single young man showed his amazing fighting prowess. He was recruited into the same group of guards that he had clashed with as soon as he was recovered enough. Over the next five years, Sorren made a name for himself, getting promoted all the way to the King’ Guard. It was only after he almost lost his life in a battle and came back with a new perspective on his life that Sorren gained his partner pokemon. Meloetta admires him wanting to change himself, despite it seemingly going against his nature. She wants to help him with his goal. He does allow some flexibility with his restrictions though, such as when it would interfere with his mission or go against orders, which he follows without question or hesitation. If you want to live a long life, never question Sorren's loyalty to the royal family. Relationships: [open] just ask if you want to have something --- Pokemon At Your Service: [url= http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/195/3/1/31a588f4347847a35c0b1afda0b433f9-d578poq.png]Meloetta[/url] Moveset: Sing Perish Song Teeter Dance Protect Pokemon's Personality: Self-confident, elegant, kind, comedic, fun[/hider] Here's my reformed psychopath assassin scout musician guy. (He gets even more fun when drunk.) Edit: Found a great picture of the sword. [hider=Sword][img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/149/1/8/sword_master_by_felicemelancholie-d51jye1.jpg][/hider]