Name: Paulnus (real name: paul kingnus) Creature/Race: Shardkind [hider=Shardkinds] Shardkinds are beings of pure energy concentrated into a what would normally be a mass of lifeless red crystals. they are more like spirits inhabiting a shell, or more like a crab. A spirit highly in-tuned with magic can make it's spirit physical by finding these crystals and using there magic to amplify themselves and control them like the nerves control our movements. they ore often seclusive and attack any outsiders that come too close to a shard den. a place where the red crystals grow naturally. the shards themselves are about as resistaint to impact as modern day steel and can become razor sharp. they tend to prefer a body type that they had in life rather than being a full shape-changer. Shardkinds can change there outer appendages to weapons or delicate graspers that are on par with the human hand. the crystal layer is about an inch thick and they cannot recover damaged shards, they can only be replaced with new ones. there is no way to kill one other than destroy all crystals it is using and trap there essence in a soul shard. Shardkinds can only speak through telepathy and understand most modern languages enough to speak a non-native language in a broken dialect. they can speak there native dialect with ease.[/hider] [hider=Appearance:] [img=][/hider] Backstory: Paul was 22 when a portal appeared and sucked him in. he had lived for 10 years with a relatively peaceful people and died when a werewolf raid nearly killing all of the town. the pepole had been waiting for this so that they could become shardkind. they had passed there knowledge of how to do so to Paul and he is now standing protector of the shardkind colony. Other: he specializes in hand to hand combat and makes his left arm particularly tough in combat and use's it like a shield. is this good?