Land, the only sure thing in the world really, unlike the dangerous skies and the deep sea, a nice holiday location at best for the sky wolf but being on land made her look a little strange, as with most of her life spent on swaying ships she had built up a counter sway, that still remained even on land. She didn't look drunk or anything but it was clear the girl could not sit still for even a few moments, as evident while she waited for Wynnara by the docks, a large heavy looking sack flung over her shoulder which looked much to big for a women of her size, but even so she held it effortlessly. At the kick given by Wynn, Moko smiled and snickered as she mentioned the whole chalk thing,which Moko still swears works. Even so it was behind them now, at least until they get on another boat. "Fine, fine. What are we looking to get? Gold, silver, pots, rare plants? finest food to offer? Or maybe a fish on a stick..." Moko said as they walked into the town, her nose offended by how many damn fish were being cooked here, though Wynn may not have been able to smell it. With her tail happliy swaying back and forth, Moko followed along her chipper freind, but kept her stride as prideful and strong as ever. ~~~ From the darkness bright Azure eyes locked onto the food that had fallen into the abyss of this damned place, the smell alone was overpowering to the senses to this man that had been denied all basic human needs and wants. Reaching out a malnourished hand grasped the food and slowly dragged it towards the pure shadows of the cell. Some was bitten off and eaten in one bite, while the rest was saved, a kindness he wished to last, at least a little longer. Rustling from the floor of his cage, the man known as Vance stood up and peered up to where the food had comefrom, only to speak in a hushed tone to himself, a strange verse not from the book of his former god. "Oh lost soul, withdrawn from the world Let strength be granted so thee might be mended..." Something made up, something to give him strength, not to mention keep his vocal cords ready. Preparation, for when he may have a hope of escape. "Hello?"