[url=http://s14.postimg.org/fq458gtg1/Samonya_full_1110092.jpg] Generally this is what Chau wears on-duty. Not too impressive, but the leather armor is light and allows him full mobility, and frankly being able to fight and do his job is more important than dressing up. He stands at just under six feet and isn’t the most heavily built, but still manages to cut quite an intimidating figure.[/url] [url=http://s7.postimg.org/l0apvanzf/Pixiv_Fantasia_Fallen_Kings_full_1696617.jpg] The full plate set commissioned for Chau after he received the position of Head. Polished to a shine originally, the metal has been scuffed and scarred through use already, but nevertheless looks regal if well-used. While he is capable of fighting unimpeded in the armor, he still prefers not to. Many years of experience fighting without it just conflicts.[/url] [b]Name:[/b] Chau Duo, or Chad [b]Age: 32[/b] [b]Position/Title:[/b] Head of Royal Guards [b]Personality:[/b] He’s about how most people would expect from a man who understands the weight of his position; [i]stoic[/i] and [i]serious[/i]. Despite this he isn’t overbearing on others, and doesn’t expect people, even those under him, to act as he does. He has a Gengar for a partner, enough said. While not the most booksmart of individuals, he is rather [i]cunning[/i] which makes him suited more for his job then discussing philosophy. He prefers simplicity over the extravagance that often graces the castle; even his armor was commissioned by others for him, despite his protests. As such he often isn't as formal or regal as his peers, and considered a bit [i]gruff[/i]. [b]History:[/b] If his name and appearance weren’t enough of an indication, Chau isn’t exactly a native to the kingdom of Urael. He comes from the far-away east, but where from exactly is still up in the airs despite his long service to the royal family. Prior to this service, not much is really known about the man despite his now high position. His story is not exceptional, merely one of hard work and dedication. It took him almost fifteen years to reach the status of Head, and his beginnings were in a smaller town. Employed as a guard thanks to his skill as a warrior and the fact that he already had a Pokemon as a companion, Chau was bounced around through the years; to bigger and bigger towns until he eventually reached the capital and joined the Royal Guards. Though a Royal Guard in name, his tasks were not always the most usual. Whereas his peers had the royal family as their priority, Chau was quite often given orders that saw him leave the capital, sometimes for months on end. He spent almost another ten years dealing with threats to country, until the previous Head stepped down and he was appointed as the new. He hadn’t been the most famous or popular of the guards, but he did his duty well. It was shortly before this time that he met and partnered with yet another Pokemon, his other wasn’t the most suitable for his position. [b]Relationships:[/b] Open for discussion. [b]Pokemon At Your Service:[/b] Gengar and Gardevoir (Both have Mega) [b]Moveset: [/b][list][*]Ability: Levitate/Shadow Tag[/*][*]Hypnosis[/*][*]Dream Eater[/*][*]Night Shade[/*][*]Hex[/*] [*]Ability: Synchronize/Pixilate[/*][*]Moonblast[/*][*]Psychic[/*][*]Heal Pulse[/*][*]Teleport[/*][/list][b]Pokemon's Personality:[/b] Gengar isn’t exactly the opposite in nature to Chau, but they do draw a contrast. It’s as [i]mischievous[/i] as the rest of its kind normally, though never malicious and it enjoys hiding in Chau’s shadow and surprising unsuspecting victims. It’s also rather [i]independent[/i], capable of function alone without Chau for months on end if it has to. Deeply [i]loyal[/i], Chau can count on Gengar to not misbehave even if left alone. It’s also rather [i]affectionate[/i], and despite being capable of, hates to be separated from its companion for lengths of time, they’ve known each other for most of their lives after all. Gardevoir is Chau’s more recent companion and most often the one seen at his side. [i]Graceful[/i], she strikes a contrast with the less elegant attire Chau can almost always be found in. With a [i]serious[/i] demeanor like his own, Chau can count on her in situations where Gengar’s mischievous nature might get the better of it. Despite meeting more recently, only a year ago, she is incredibly [i]protective[/i] and angers rather quickly if he is injured. Which given his tendency to head straight into fights...