Anime. I just added my CS to the first post, it's incomplete because I gotta remember everything I want for my character but also to point out some things for you guys. I noted in the CS skeleton about the history, provide what you did before capture, how you were captured, and something brief about your life in the prison. On that note, you get captured by soldiers, the government hired these men to capture us. They will have looked like this. [hider=Bad Dudes][img][/img][/hider] Now the prison will have individual sleeping cells, multiple cameras everywhere, roaming guards that look like the ones above. As you see in the picture, there are various helmets and such, that'll be the only different kinds you see. The bracelets you wear contain your information, including what your power is and your threat level ranging from 1 being the lowest to 5 being the highest. I'll assign you your threat levels as I see fit based off your CS. These bracelets use some kind of highly advanced technology that allows them to suppress your powers completely however they weren't extensively tested before use so over time, they are weakening but they aren't aware of this yet.[hider=Suppressor Bracelet][img][/img][/hider] Example skills: My guy is good at MMA but probably more important for escape is that he knows architectural weaknesses. Other's might be good at hacking computer systems, while another might be better at hacking video systems. Maybe someone is a persuasive talker, known simply as The Mouth. This doesn't mean the guards want to chat with you but it means you would be best at stalling, kind of thing. Use your imagination.