[quote=Soulserenity20] It's okay, I just wanted to make sure. Id have opened a slot if i had accidentally ignored your claim XD [/quote] Haha, no~ In fact, I think I said I didn't want to be one, so yeah xP [quote=Soulserenity20] And, if it's okay with everyone in the RP, I'd be okay with giving the up chosen royal legendaries up to the guard. For anyone who wants to change that's fine. Again, if even one person has a problem with this I won't do it. I want this all to be fair. :) [/quote] Well, I don't want to destroy any cannon or plot that you might have had, but if I can have Latias, that would be wonderful! She's my third favorite legendary. [quote=Soulserenity20] Deoxys is taken XD I'm sorry! [/quote] Ah well~ TBH, I've never even used him for anything in the games xP I just like psychic types xD