Good thing I just pumped out my Bio. c: --- [b]Name:[/b] Ruslana Oryol [b]Earned name:[/b] Obsidian [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Born Omega/Turned from Runner:[/b] Turned from Runner [b]Nationality:[/b] Russian [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=×][center][img=][/center][/hider] Ruslana, or Lana for short, is a fair skinned and slender woman. sporting subtle curves accentuated only by her choice of clothing. She has raven locks that flow down her back and graze her waistline when released from their confines of her hood. Though not exactly curls, her [url=]hair[/url] has a distinct wave to it, making it difficult to maintain and conceal at times. Her most striking features, beyond a doubt, are her irises. During her travel to New London from Russia, Lana lost the majority of her sight in her right eye, its iris turning a piercing blue. Her left eye is the reddish brown shade of Mahogany she recalls having for most of her life. As far as stature is concerned, Ruslana stands a mere 5'3" tall and is perfectly content with that. She has done more than her fair share to accommodate for her size in terms of muscle. Her abdomen is the least tone part of her in comparison to hleginandand arms. She prides herself on the level of tone she has in her legs, no doubt from her time as a Runner and presently, as an Omega. Her arms have acquired their muscle from years of training with her bow, both before her life as an Omega and before her life as a Runner. Ruslana chooses to wear a long sleeve sort of spandex top coupled with a fine leather under bust corset. Not only is it pleasing to look at, a valuable distraction at times, but it also provides amble support to her midsection for properly pulling back her bow with little resistance. She wears loose-fitted fingerless leather gloves. They lace up the side and give Ruslana just enough leeway to proficiently use her bow without her gloves interfering. The gloves give her a slight bit of cushion when she travels through the streets and across rooftops. On her back she carries a vintage quiver full of steel bolts, of which she can create herself if necessary. (Though, they are not as sturdy as the originals she brought with her or those she has salvaged from stores.) [b]Biography:[/b] Ruslana ran with Sector ж in Russia, a Sector known for their brutal mastery of Sambo and effortless ability to disarm and neutralize their opponents. She was born to Natalia and Nikolai Oryol, a couple fortunate to have a genetic immunity to the Servitutem Formula whom were already Runners in Sector ж. She grew up an only child, her father taking every advantage to treat her as equally as possible. She recalls numerous days where her father would train her for hours until his Sector required him. Then, he would leave her with 'homework' to continue training in his absence. She trained, and trained, and trained for countless hours over the years but, she never could quite master Sambo. There were a few holds and arm locks that she knew well but, the overall style escaped her and her once caring father grew more distant as time passed. Full of resentment, Ruslana spent more of her days traveling the rooftops on her own, drawing herself further away from her family as time passed. By the time she turned eighteen, Ruslana was a completely different entity from her parents and, knowing that her Sector gave their residents the choice to join a neighboring Sector once they were of age, she had gathered her belongings weeks before. As the day approached, she stood tall before her Elders and told them of her desire to head to New London and eliminate the threat at the source. Her Elders, all six of them male, looked upon her incredulously and laughed at her. In a fit of hilarity, they permitted her to go, not having taken her seriously. [center] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [/center] Life in Sundown greeted her on the streets of New London where she weaved in and out of the shadows night after night, climbing the occasional building in search of Runners. She encountered a small group of Runners who, after careful scrutiny, took her to Sundown to go before the Elders. Determined to prove that she is not just a puny woman as was thought of her when she left her Mother Country. "I have family in Russia.." she drawled before the conglomerate of people, looking directly to the Elders as she spoke. "I asked to come here. To you." [i]'To kill Gunners'[/i] her mind silently completed. Her first weeks in Sundown were tense as the group seemed to have openly accepted one of the Gunners sons into their ranks. This only escalated when she found they had not accepted him into their ranks add Sector Leader, due to a recent "demotion" of one called Roark. Things grew worse as Ruslana was instructed to accompany Gunner and a few others on a skirmish. It was an eerily dark night, even by New London standards and Lana could not shake the unsettling feeling in her stomach. This was intended to be a routine run for supplies, nothing out of the ordinary. She was sent simply to be another strong back to carry. Unzipping her pack and kneeling next to Gunner, she slowly filled it with resources for Sundown. There was a snap behind them and Gunner leapt into action as a Section leader was meant to, unsheathing his club in one swift motion to battle the assailant. For a brief moment, she respected him. She was, of course, not impervious to human emotion and her father had done well to raise her on the aspect of honor. And, though Runners valued running from a fight if possible, this singular foe had gotten far too close for them to be able to finish their supply run. [b]"Go! RUN!"[/b] Gunner told them, fending off the unarmed shadow with his golf club. Quickly finishing packing her bag, she zipped it up and strapped it to her back, peeking over her shoulder once more. Their third member was already three rooftops ahead of her and she was, surprisingly, torn. Dropping her pack, she pulled her cat o' nine tails from her hip and crept low to the ground up to Gunner. Carefully creeping closer and preparing to wrap her weapon around the mans legs to knock him off balance, the shadow man landed a hard hit on Gunners hip, causing him to shift on his stilt legs. The motion scraped Lanas eye and pierced her iris, an excruciating pain coming over her, followed quickly by..rage. Gunner somehow used the balance change to his advantage and knocked the man unconscious, spinning to see Ruslana not only still by his side..but injured. Bleeding through a makeshift bandage, Lana felt a bit off centered with only half of her vision available to her. She stood before the Sundown Elders once more, this time with the intention of leaving. "My father.." she struggled, her accent having only faintly worn off in her time with them. "Believe in Honor. I believe in Honor." She lowered her head for a moment, a drip of her own blood escaping the torn cloth substituting for an eye patch at the moment and landed between her feet. Slowly, she brought her head back up, feeling slightly light headed. "I cannot stay in Sundown. I will dishonor Runner Vow. I wish to leave." After a long silence and a simple wave of a hand, she was hooded and escorted of out Sundown. Somewhere along the twists and turns, she passed out from blood loss. [center] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [/center] When Lana awoke, she had an arrow in her face, a squad of 5 standing over her. [b]"Who are you?"[/b] a strong Spanish voice asked her. Her vision was still blurry and her limbs felt numb. She slid her tongue across her lips, forcing moisture back into them. "I..." she began, only to be cut off by another voice. [b]"Are you a Runner?"[/b] they questioned blatantly in the darkness before her. Unable to contain her laughter, Ruslana broke into a fit of giggles, hearing the straining of the string of the bow before her. "Not anymore." She managed to say, looking up to the archer holding the bow. "I've always wanted one. Can you teach?" she asked, sitting up with a smirk. If this was to be her last moment, her humor certainly didn't know any better. Plus, it would take more than a blind eye and blood loss to kill her. And even now, in her dazed state, she knew she had just found her new home... The Omegas. [b]Runner Rival:[/b] The Gunner Kid. [b]Specialty:[/b] Stealth, Marksmanship and Creating her Arrows. [b]Melee weapon:[/b] Cat o' Nine Tails, picked up [b]Long range weapon:[/b] Her Compound Bow, a recently acquired weapon due to her training underneath Roark [b]Brutality:[/b] Varies depending on situation but typically, Modest at most. [b]Goal as an Omega:[/b] To kill each of the Gunners herself.