(Not exactly meant as a character he exists incase I need something and to help story progress [pretty much limitless power, but you can try to kill him if you want :P]) Name: Lucius Lustrange Creature/Race: Devil Appearance:[hider=forms] Most commonly seen form:[img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/223/a/0/slick_jester_by_coconut_cocacola-d5aqlfq.jpg] Floating head: [img=http://media.cmcdn.net/10122996/62x80.jpeg] [/hider] Backstory: Unlike the most of the others in this realm Lucius was at its forming, he made this as his own magnificent playground choosing the placement of his "doorways" and making everyone what they are now. Other: Mentally insane