Jurgen jumped when Eve stopped a runner. He hadn't even realized that the guy was trying to steal from them until it was too late. Obviously his android knew what was up, though, as she clotheslined the man viciously. It looked to the cyborg like the man was unconscious, so there was no way he had heard the android's advice. "Holy shit..." he muttered as they kept walking. "Thanks, Eve. I didn't even see that guy." he added louder, figuring the robot deserved to be praised every time she did well, then she'd figure out what was good, and what was bad much more quickly. Though he wouldn't be surprised if she had programming complex enough to let her know the difference before hand. The rest of the trip was thankfully uneventful. And when they got back to the apartment, Jurgen steered the cart right into his home, figuring it would be easier than hauling things in from outside. Eve grabbed her food, which was understandable. She would want to know where it was, and didn't know where anything else went. He started putting things away, figuring that she would figure it out eventually. The cyborg chuckled as his companion tried her cereal. Apparently it was pretty good. "Anything is possible, Eve. You just saved me from a year of homelessness. You just earned me more money than I've seen in my whole life. Literally anything is possible." he told her as she went on about her construction. "As for accuracy, I couldn't tell you." he added with a shrug. Then a moment later, he grinned. "All right, Eve. It's your turn. We're going clothes shopping." he announced. The groceries were put away, and every cupboard was full. The fridge was fully stocked, and the pair were not likely to run out of food anytime soon. "What kind of clothes do you like? Do you wanna just go see all of the stores?" he asked as he steered the cart out of their apartment. He supposed that made sense. She could get a feel for the styles she liked, and they could get her what she wanted. Unless she knew what she wanted, in which case she probably wouldn't want to go wandering around to stores that didn't have what she wanted. Then again, who could fathom the minds of females? Even the programmed, robotic minds of females could be mind-blowingly hard to comprehend, so Jurgen wasn't even going to try, he would just lead the way, and pay for whatever the woman wanted... ((I thought they were twinkies? so like... twinkie flakes? that sounds like it would be kinda gross...))