Lach Yawned as he stretched his arms by pointing them high in the air, rotating his wrist to un-tighten his forearms, cracking could be heard as he did so Which were folded against his chest for his hour nap in the Guild Hall. He squinted as he looked around, the light hurting his eyes. He saw some new people already who were not here the day before, Some old, but experienced. He studied all in the guild from his corner as he had his legs folded and propped up on the table with his chair leaned back on its back two legs... the same position he held while he napped. His sword propped against the wall to his left just in case. As he looked around he noticed many of the people he knew were gone, probably out on jobs... Which he remembered he slept through the posting of the new jobs. Giving himself a facepalm... he was running low on money, he had to get some for rent. His thought process was interrupted as he heard Elliot talking smack to an old man, she seemed to know him... he did seem familiar but he couldnt place a name...oh well he will figure it out later. Sighing he dropped his feet from the table and while the chair fell forward onto its four feet he grabbed his sword in the same motion as he stood up, spinning it into his sash around his waist. Then he made his way over to the job board with his hands cupping the back of his head, still stretching. As he came to the board his hands still in the same position he looked at Elliot. "Hows it going? Didn't you just get back? Also whats the deal with you and that guy over there? Ex boyfriend or something?"