very true, however, having a background with every character is not really possible (Melanie has only been there half a year etc.) so that eliminates a large portion of the first problem - or at least it should, plus that is where our own judgement comes in: we should be able to balance it, right? Also two characters doesn't necessarily have to be "BBF", do they (although the intimacy could be agreed upon in PMs or over skype)? They could just have bumped into each other before (Melanie could have an unreasonable dislike towards Acacia because she could have the odour of medical substances - however Acacia shared this dislike because Melanie always gave her the cold shoulder, but on the other hand; Melanie wouldn't have the faintest clue who Ruslana is because she departed before Melanie arrived (I think?) - just some quick ideas). Of course this can also be done in the roleplay, but I think it is always nice to have some form of shared idea of a possible bond. Oh and I should probably add Melanies hate towards medical areas in her CS, huh? ^^