[b]"You look very cheerful today, Noize. It's rather disturbing."[/b] said a [url=http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp116/sigfrid_300/anime%20boys/mafioso.jpg]middle aged man[/url] as he sat alone at a table for two in a local restaurant. He was in the process of cutting up a steak as a [url=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/062b72fb80cfa2d4f93151a248107ddc/http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee492/lavi-usagi/DGM/Kanda%20Yu/Kanda-MugenInvocation.jpg]young man who seemed to be in his early twenties[/url] walked up and took a seat, placing his katana on the table. A cup of tea was waiting for him. The middle aged man practically shoved a piece of steak into his mouth with a fork. [b]"Or should I call you by your new name?"[/b] he said with a full mouth. [b]"Amera? Aroma?"[/b] The young man spoke with a very gentle tone and a smile on his face. [b]"[i]Akira.[/i] And I can't help how I act, Yagami. You know that."[/b] Yagami swallowed his steak and curiously observed Akira for a moment. [b]"Yeah, well, it still gives me the creeps. Anyways, down to business."[/b] He began to wipe his hands and mouth with a napkin before pulling out a flyer from his coat pocket and set it on the table, next to Akira's katana. Akira sipped his tea slowly as Yagami explained the situation. [b]"Azure Dragon, just opened up officially today. Our sources are telling us that it's just a group of friends that want to play guild, but we still need to check it out. Word around town is a lot of newcomers are showing up, and the wizards themselves aren't half bad. Hell, I hear a dragon slayer just showed up to join."[/b] Yagami lifted his right hand in the air and gestured for a waiter to bring him his check. [b]"You know the procedure. Don't worry about not fitting in, the spell should take care of that for you, make you less uh, intimidating I guess. As always I don't know how long you'll be here, but i'll be in the area should something come up. Rukia should be here soon too, but I think i'm gonna have to go and get her myself. You know how she is."[/b] A waiter walked up to the pair, placing a check on the table. [b]"Is there anything else you need, Mr. Yagami?"[/b] [b]"That will be all, thank you."[/b] The waiter walked away, Yagami paid the check, and stood up. [b]"Good luck, Lightning Samurai"[/b] He said somewhat sarcastically as he walked out of the restaurant. Akira placed his cup of tea on the table, grabbed the flyer along with his katana, and waited a few minutes for Yagami to get far enough away before getting up and leaving himself. It took some asking around and walking before he could find the guild. It seemed to still be under some construction in some places. Akira rested his left hand on the hilt of his katana as he walked inside. He began to look around the guild, it wasn't too packed, but since Akira didn't know a single face here it made the building seem even more crowded, except for one of course; Beatrix Fairglaive. It was his job to know who the Guildmaster is. Akira looked around before spotting her at the bar, speaking with a few guild members. He walked over and merely took a seat, looking around as he waited, observing the structure and decor of the building along with the wizards that occupied it.