Orin was watching the sight before him, and what a sight it was. He wouldn't have called it a grand battle but he was watching some insane luck on the side of the wood mage, if he meant it or not he made it all the way and-, "Oooo!" Orin and even the gangsters all gasped and hid their own groin as if instinctively as they witnessed the sight. This gave Orin enough time to wrap up the remaining gangsters with his chains as the boy was asking for support. "Seemed like the plan worked better than ever hahahahah!" With a manly laugh Orin dusted off his hands and walked towards Kaldis. "You can come out now. You won the day for us" He wasn't lying about that, he did in a way. Grasping the wall and leaning around it he smiled brightly "Good job heh. We should get out of here, I can see the touches of the guard from here." As he said this the sound of a walking stick could be heared, and with a 'thwak' it struck Orin's back. "Yeow!" HE jumped, turning around to see the old man waving his stick. "More noise and you put holes in our street!" Orin rubbed the back of his head in shame "Sorry about th-," He was interrupted by another swing of the old mans cane, but it was just a swipe to silence. "However... You did help... I suppose I may have been wrong about you. Clearly you were not with those thugs from before. The young girl with strange music and a boy with a HUGE axe did not show such restraint... Anyway, thank you" Orin smiled before getting another strike on the forehead, along with Kaldis if he was near. "Now all of you scoot out of town before the guard get here. Go on, get!" Orin nodded and signaled for them to leave. He went to grab his sister as well, after all Beatrix would be mad if he left her behind. --- Beatrix was thinking the place was getting rather crowded so before she answered anything she made sure to serve and get rid of all the customers of her magic shop for the time being. After she brought her attention to Measha "Ah, that is true... You may have to wait until the delivery tomorrow until some show up.... I guess you could handle the Enchantment Needed one, that is still there." She didn't know what to tell him.. She would have to make sure to order in twice as many jobs tomorrow. "You're late Elliot, where were you this morning?" She said, but got a little cross at the fact that she just walked away. If the bar and two tohers were not in the way she would have put the girl into a paper coffin! With a swipe of her hand she put the seal onto Hector, and right at the same time she let out her answer. "No way D class." Owch... "I am not going to have you go off on your own to a S class of all things, even if you are a Dragon Slayer. I will decide that sort of thing tonight, so you will have to wait like all the others." She knew full well this was not what they wanted to hear but she had not had the chance to class all of these new members yet... She was in such thought that she did not see the new arrival until he sat down. "Sorry the bar and shop is closed right now-,... So you come to join the guild?" She Changed her tone suddenly, almost as if she had noticed the fact he was a magic user. Though he answered she would not have the time to respond right then and there, as Orion had arrived. She smiled at a successful job. "So how did it go? Going alone was risky but you seem fine!" She was clearly excited about this.