Sorren Kain woke with the sun, just as he liked. He made sure not to disturb his partner as he slipped from his bed. He needn't have bothered though, Meloetta just mumbled something in her sleep and rolled over, taking the small amount of blanket that Sorren had claimed for himself during the night. He sighed, what would his life be like without the small muse? He couldn't imagine it now, probably didn't want to. Sorren walked across the cold floor and opened up the cabinet that held his clothing, armor, and most importantly, his sword. --- Sorren stood perfectly still, the morning breeze trying to push him in one direction then the next. He didn't let it. Moving his arms slowly, he brought both hands to his left side, and in one sudden movement held his sword in one hand and its scabbard in the other. His body rocked a little to either side, but then he regained his balance and was still. Opening both hands, Sorren balanced the blade and scabbard on the side of each palm, and then he brought both back together, sliding the red and black blade back away into the gray scabbard, replacing that to his left side. It looked as if he was done, but then he drew the blade once more suddenly, with enough force to spin his body around, a full circle from where he began. Someone began clapping. Sorren's eyes snapped open, and he stepped off from the short spike that topped the tower. It was just Meloetta, come to see what he was up to no doubt. "You're finally up?" he said. "Yes, I slept very pleasantly thank you," she replied in her melodious tones. "You can wake me you know?" "I know. If there is something worth waking you for, I will." He slid down the steep incline to the edge of the roof, sitting with his legs over the edge. Meloetta offered him an orange slice, which he accepted, spitting a seed down into the courtyard below. With a sigh, Sorren stood back up. "Anything you need to do today?" he asked his small partner. She finished the rest of the orange, no doubt stolen from the gardens, and tucked the seeds from it into Sorren's pockets. She would make him plant them somewhere later. "Nope," Meloetta replied, "but there is something [i]you[/i] have to do." "Hm, what is it?" He had planned on having a day of rest and relaxation. And yes, he considered waking up early to train atop a tower as relaxation. Meloetta hadn't bothered telling him otherwise, since she was much the same way with her singing. "A summons, from the princess," she said. Sorren stood there on the edge of the tower roof for a second, not saying anything. "What is it?" his partner asked him. "I don't want to go," he replied simply, stepping off the edge of the tower and letting himself fall. He stood up on the balcony to his chambers, a drop of just ten feet. A second later his partner landed lightly on his shoulder. "Anybody ever tell you you have some suicidal tendencies?" she asked, hopping the rest of the way to the floor. Sorren walked across his room, glancing in the mirror at himself as he walked in front of it, and opened the door to the inner halls. He and his partner walked together to meet with the princess. --- The doors to the councilor's chamber were pushed open, but no one entered. Just as they had shut, they were pushed open again, and Sorren walked in. He met the eyes of each person in the room, nodding respect to the princess and prince. As the Head of the Royal guard, he was not surprised to find Chau in attendance, but Claire being there told Sorren that the others must have gotten the same summons. So he walked over to his designated seat and sat down. The air in front of him rippled, and then Meloetta appeared there, sitting on the edge of the table. She yawned deeply, somehow making even that sound like a song, and fell onto her back on the table. She swung her legs back and forth, purposely kicking Sorren's chest, humming in her boredom. "Must you?" he asked. "Yes," was all he got out of her. He just sighed and leaned further back in his seat. Thankfully, her legs weren't very long.