Johnathon had to stop and simply look at the mountains they were about to tackle. He'd seen them from Aldrun, of course, you couldn't look inland from Aldrun and not see one, but up close the snow covered peaks seemed menacing, even. Of course, that wasn't where they were going, his gaze shifted downwards towards the passes and he counted his blessings with every meter removed from the summit the passable areas were. By the time he looked back towards the group, he'd been left behind some and Adrian was down in the snow. Protesting legs ignored, he rushed forward to see what hat happened but by the time he closed the gap the boy was already on his feet and continuing the march. What luck, a group that started chases with guards and wouldn't stop marching even if you knocked them down. A wanderer from the south wasn't cut out for this line of work, but that was why he was paying Crom and tagging along with Griff and Adrian. "Easy there, no need to rush on such treacherous ground," He said meekly from the back, half concerned for Adrian and half concerned for his shins. His interest and his talkativeness had been piqued by Crom's question, and he added to the man's speech. "Yeah, let's share some stories, that'll pass the time." He had a few stories himself, although he'd have to fish them out of his bag. By his estimation of the group, Crom and Griff seemed less likely to want to talk about their life, one was obviously a hardened mercenary of some sort, but maybe they'd be lucky and have enough conversation to see them through their journey.