Elliot frowned as there wasn't much to be done or at least much to be challenging. It seemed like she'd be hanging around until they got some new ones in, which meant that Hector would probably doing the same. Wonderful. She stuffed her hands into her pocket and was about to move away when Lach came over to the broad and joined her. She nodded to him, answering his question, "I did. Pretty good reward too... But you know me, can't stand sitting still," She shrugged, "I tried to get back early enough to grab myself another job but seems that I came to late." She glanced over to Hector and laughed, shaking her head, "Ha! He wishes. No, met him on a job sometime ago... Left on... not to pleasant terms," she might have elaborated more if Elizabeth hadn't shown up and asked them questions in rapid fire. She opened her mouth, "I'm go-" She stopped as the girl turned to Lach and repeated her question, directed to him alone, "Aaaand you don't care..." She gave Lach a small wave and removed herself from the group. She had little to no interest in standing there as Elizabeth, clearly, fawned all over Lach and stroked his ego. Not exactly her scene. She sighed a little and walked over to an empty table. She took a seat and relaxed, it seemed she have to do so until a least tomorrow. Unless a job fell out of the sky and into her lap. Although, she highly doubted that was going to happen... Too bad though, that sounded like it might be interesting. She looked over at Hector and narrowed her eyes slightly, what was really up with that guy?...