Fury had perhaps underestimated a few factors, namely his still injured arm, when the metal pole collided with the Bear. Despite the fact that he should have had a significant advantage through centrifugal force and general momentum, the sheer bulk of the bear batted away his attack and the force of the blow transferred down the pole, buckling it and forcing Fury to let go as it was flung out of his hands. Meanwhile, the other opponent had apparently been attempting to flank him, covering what should have been a significant distance at an incredibly fast rate. Fortunately, Fury was already half crouched, preparing even as he made his prior move to burst skyward, and so he did that now, blasting into the air before the other creature’s weapon had any chance of hitting his unprotected back. He sped upwards, only slowing at roughly fifty feet skyward, and looked down at the two. It seemed likely that neither was particularly well suited for defeating an airborne opponent, and Fury was un-inclined to give them an advantage by remaining grounded. Once airborne, Fury drew his left hand into a fist and began to throw vast quantities of energy into the palm, feeling the force increase to near uncontrollable levels over a shockingly short space of time. He looked down at the two, semi-curious to see how they would react to his flight.