The soft grass of the fields had been replaced by the cold stones of the city. A bit of a setback for Sam, as he walked them barefoot. He had experienced quite a few setbacks these last few weeks. But he was confident he would find a new opportunity in this town. "Sooo, where do you want to go?" Asked Horace in a voice a few octaves lower than you would expect from a talking raccoon. But then, you wouldn't expect a raccoon to talk anyways. "Ugh, I don't know. Some place they'll let us stay, some place I can make some cash, some place I can meet people?" Sam responded with a tired voice. "Wait!" Suddenly Horace stopped and got on his hind legs so he could grab Sam's leg. "What? Did you see something?" "No. I smell something... something weirdly delicious. Something I've never experienced before!" "Do you think it might be of magical nature?" "It would have to be!" Together they sprinted down a dirt road to a large building that was still under construction. Sam halted in front of it to witness two workers lift a large sign reading "Azure Dragon". Horace however did not halt, he knew exactly where he was going. When Sam carefully stepped inside he saw a crowded area, everywhere were wizards discussing work and drinking. This was a guild! Perfect! He always wanted to join a guild someday, maybe they'd let them try out. Sam got up to the counter and tried to get the woman behind the bar her attention. She would know where to sign up and things like that. But she was very busy, seemed she was popular. Trying to hold a conversation with a bunch of people at the same time. No wonder no one at the bar was getting their drinks. Sam hopped behind the bar and tugged on her sleeve. "Hello, my name is Sam. I am looking for work. But enough about me who are you? Hold on! You seem very busy right now, so how about I help you out first so you can focus on these people first?" Sam started to rant. "I can handle myself quite well you'll see." He went on as he juggled a few glasses. "I'll handle the drinks, is this the price list? Cool I know most of these drinks. Now where's the- oh there it is!" Before waiting for an answer Sam had made himself familiar with the bar and was cleaning up a glass while scanning the bar for thirsty people. With great effort, Horace had made his way up on the bar stool next to Kael. With large eyes of wonder and desire he stared at the pizza in front of Kael, then at Kael, then back at the pizza.