[quote=PoisonLilies] Alright I hid my picture. I will look over the OOC into again. To give you info but I am not so good with stuff like that.One thing I can think about is the prison layout. How far away are the cells? Are the clear cells touching or a couple feet apart? Are males and females mixed in together or do they have them separated in different blocks of the prison? Also I am a little confused with the threat levels. I know you said that the higher up they are their more restricted. However does this mean higher up threats wont be around lower threats? If so how we going to meet to talk about the escape? [/quote] I want to use the general cell area from Escape Plan, literally just like the photos you posted a page back. That far apart. As for threat levels, I hadn't worked out all the kinks with that exactly. I think it's really just an identifier, quickly scan or look at the bracelet and they know who your are, what you can do, and how much security you require. I will be taking one thing into account when I give you guys your threat levels and it's based off your history and how you were caught, which folds into them knowing your extent of power. So for example, you have the strength to lift 1000 pounds with one hand but maybe you only told them, or they only managed to catch you, lifting 200 with both hands. You know. So your threat level might be lower while you possess strength to be a higher level. I would like to think that this government is like every government in sci-fi flicks where they'd want to run tests and experiment on us but for the sake of fear, they have hardly done any experiments to really test us to our breaking point. This means they might not have an accurate idea of what we are fully capable of, just know that we can bend fire or convince someone they're on fire or like me, move some dirt with my voodoo magic. Definitely forgot the biggest part of your question, about it being co-ed. I think my solution is simple. Fear. No one is in a cell with another person, during the time everyone is actually together, their are multiple guards and cameras at every turn watching. This means, should a man try to rape a women (sorry to get extreme here but I think it needs to be for this point) They would get shot. I plan on the guards having some form of tranquilizer rounds, which is apparent for how they captured us but while in there, on duty, they would have live rounds in their mags and ready to drop someone if they got out of control. This of course might not be the case, they might have dummy rounds in the chamber, you don't know. Do you want to test them to find out? lol. But yea, we'll all have to use our best judgement to not steer the RP into a shitty situation because a handful of you are women and I don't wanna change everything and make it less interesting just cause of that. We can make it work just fine.