Elliot nodded to him, answering his question, "I did. Pretty good reward too... But you know me, can't stand sitting still," She shrugged, "I tried to get back early enough to grab myself another job but seems that I came to late." He under stood slighly there were times where he wasnt lazy and needed to get out and do something....but that wasnt today. She glanced over to Hector and he followed with his eyes as well as she laughed, shaking her head, "Ha! He wishes. No, met him on a job sometime ago... Left on... not to pleasant terms," There was a pause and he leaned his head toward her as if he wanted to elaborated more, but he quickly realized what was the cause to the end of her story was that Elizabeth had popped up and started asked them questions. "Heeeey! GUYS!" She smiled waiving at them. "Sooooo how are you guys? What you guys doing? Searching for jobs? I wanna do a job. But I dont know yet." Elliot opened her mouth, "I'm go-" she stopped suddenly as Eli nodded smiling at him. "How are you?" She asked again. It was clear she was more interested talking to him than Elliot. "Aaaand you don't care..." Elliot said as she gave him a small wave before leaving. He made a painful smile, he hated when that happened, he gave the same small wave at Elliot back before looking to Eli and smiled back. "Im fine how have you been?" He asked as he placed the palm of his left hand on the pommel of his katana. as she would answer he would look around the room and notice another man with a Katana. He suddenly felt excited and yet at the same time territorial, Here was someone who he could spar with, he had to make sure he looked good for the women of the Guild,being beat by this other guy wont do well... He wondered who he was he looked experianced, but experiance is not the same for everyone. After Eli finished answering his first question he added," looks like there are no more we can go on for today, only one left is the S class and no one here is cleared for that. I mean I could d it if I wanted to, but that would put Beatrixs panties in a bind. " He also noted a guy walk in off the street talk to beatrix and hop over the bar and started working like that.. and a raccoon followed after him and ploped himself next to Kael and look at his food long enough to manage a score a piece. "Heeeeeeey." he wined " Kael! Dont go waisting a good slice of pizza on a racoon like that!" He put up his finger and said excuse me to Eli before walking over and leaning on the counter and grabbed a piece" thanks Illl spot ya next time." Mid bite he realized that the Racoon was talking. At which he paused with the pizza in his mouth and stared at the raccon for a moment before narrowing his eyes and slowly reaching out with his free hand and poked it in the chest a few times.