Beatrix halted anything the others near her may have wanted to say by holding up her hand to Hector, mainly because he was the biggest there and so in turn everyone would have seen it. When Orion came up to the bar and gave a report on what had happened, and it had clearly ticked her off as she started thinking. Well trying to think until wind started blowing and some kid jumped behind her bar! Forming a paper airplane she tossed it along the winds at such force that it would strike Kael like it was a flick to the forehead. "Stop that, I told you before how annoying it is! And you!" She moved over to try and grab Sam by the scuff of his shirt and lift him up. "...." With a sigh she let him go. "Carry on..." If the kid wanted to work for free at her bar who was she to argue, and if he annoyed her she could always silence him with a paper muzzle. "Now let me think.." --- Orin made his way back to the Wagon too, placing Sophia in the back with Kaldis so the two of them could rest. "We need to head back to the guild. This is bothering me and we should tell moth-, Beatrix about what we saw." With the two of them asleep by the time he finished talking the large guy just chuckled, rubbing the back of his head as he grabbed onto the wooden horse and placed it on the drivers seat where he would have sat. Instead he picked up the front with his arms and started running away from the town with the wagon in tow! They would be back to the guild in record time that as for sure. --- Beatrix did not have all that time to think it seemed as a loud beating, like music, echoed from outside and one of the windows shattered! Hiowever, before the others could do so Beatrix grabbed onto the table napkins and cast them towards the windows, protecting them from breaking from the ear wrenching sound! "Well, get out there and deal with this!" She commanded. Meanwhile... Orin had been coming up onto the guild, witnessing three strangers outside of the guild: One had a uniform and a huge axe, the other was a hunched over old man and another was a girl with a magic box like device that was sending shock waves right at the guild! Taking action, as action first and questions later was how he was brought up, Orin grabbed onto the wagon tightly before using all his power to throw it down the street towards the group! Of course he had not forgotten its important cargo. "Chain Whip!" Extending two chains he grabbed and pulled back Sophia and Kaldis into his arms before setting them onto the floor. [url=]"It seems to have failed..." [/url] [url=]"My music never fails old man!"[/url] [url=] "How un-powerful." [/url] It was then that the mummy like boy noticed the incoming wagon, and almost effortlessly extended his arms and caught the wagon, using its momentum to toss it right back at insane speeds! Leaving Orin to step forwards and cover his face, dreading what he was about to try and block! The group did not stick around to discover what the end result was, as a goo like substance moved around the groups feet and hey had vanished under it like sinking into quick sand.