The cackle the was escaping the thin and pale man was only drowned out by the sounds of him snapping his bones back into place. "THERE WE ARE... WAIT THAT DOESN"T GO THERE!!" He said with another laugh as he snapped his neck, which was causing his head to face backwards. His crazed eyes darted around the group, not staying too long on any body. He then quickly spread his arms out, as if offering a hug. "HELLO FELLOW FREAKS!!! IT IS A HONOR TO MEET YOU!!!" He said with a yet another laugh before he noticed the large dragon walking off. Like a snake striking the man was in front of the dragon leaning on what seemed to be thin air. "Where you off to beautiful? Got a hot date?" He said in a smooth tone, but his mad eyes and wicked grin killed any hint of a normal person.