That would be at the very bottom of the home page of RP guild. But I honestly don't look at that often. I'm either doing something else, occasionally refreshing my subscription page, or looking for new RP's to join xP Or just lurking in spam, because why the hell not? xD [quote=DimCarcosa] I'm fine, passing time by procrastinating and watching some of PlumpHelmetPunk's old videos. Just waiting for someone to post, as is everyone else, apparently.Can't really blame people for inactivity, finals must be near.Edit: Should we discuss relationships between characters while we're waiting so we don't fumble around with it once everyone arrives? [/quote] That's good!~ I'm bored. Man, I really need a life. Or a girlfriend. Or maybe a boyfriend or something xP Or just someone I can bother and put up with my nonsense when I'm bored xD I've already finished finals though, and am currently waiting for the summer semester of College to start. Hope I have enough money to pay for the classes I need :/ As for character relations...Hrm. I think we should. Have anything specific in mind Dim? All I can really think of is that Ana and Claire would have either a friendly rivalry, or absolutely hate each other xD