Name: Xerox Sync

Alias: The Psyche

Age: 21 

(I do not own this image)
Xerox has ripped off the sleeves of his uniform to make it into a singlet. He has left the pants unaltered.

Personality:A confident leader who never loses his composure.
Tries to keep morality and optimism amongst his peers. He would rather not use his ability, however, commonly, to settle disputes, he would read their minds and settle the dispute with words.

History: Xerox was part of an orphanage. He lived happily among his 15 'siblings'. He was the third eldest, and in the orphanage, their elder sister Yuki lead them. Although it was an orphanage, it was out in the country, with lots of land, so the children learned to farm and cultivate. Living earnestly amongst themselves. This orphanage was simply a place of abandonment, the land was abandoned, the children, even the orphanage itself. But these children did not care about such things.

Although they were lead by Yuki, Yuki often discussed the plans with Xerox, since he had devised plans on how to expand the land, the time frame it would take, the ways it can grow into a community. Their life was simple, and honest. However, one day, they were attacked, by wolves. Over the 17 years Xerox had lived, and 22 for Yuki, they had never known wolves lived in the area. Even when they had left the orphanage on occasion to scout the area, and also check on any urban developments in the area, there were no signs of anything entering their area, excluding some people who would abandon their children. Xerox thought quickly, and devised a plan which involved abandoning the orphanage, and making a new home.

However, there were some who disagreed, a few of the younger children and the second eldest child, their brother Justin. Yuki agreed with the plan, first they needed to survive, and then they can build a new home. This caused an argument, one that was fatal to their situation. Justin sought to protect their home, disrupting the plan entirely, running into the pack of wolves with a knife in hand. Xerox, ordered the 4th eldest, Sarah, to run according to Xerox's map of the area and to reach a cave which he and Yuki had set up to be a safe place and lead the other children. Sarah nodded and led them. Yuki and Xerox both went to try to stop Justin. He was a big, and strong man. But there was no hope against the number of wolves in front of him. As Justin took down one wolf, two wolves, three wolves, there came a wolf from behind him, ready to bite his head off from the neck. Then, Yuki jumped in to save him. Justin and Xerox both bewildered, Justin killed the wolf that had bitten Yuki. Xerox ordered Justin, "Quickly, we need to run now, or she will die. Bring her to the cave". With tears on his face, Justin finally agreed. As Justin ran, Xerox took the knife, and attempted to stall the wolves for time. He wasn't very adapted for fighting wolves, he could take down another person, since he knew all the vital points, but this was different. He had little time to spare, since himself and Yuki were the only ones with medical knowledge. He decided, he needed to take a do or die chance.

He ran into the pack of wolves. Why? He wanted to reach one of the trees behind them. One that had some rocks he could use to stone the wolves, and a swinging rope to get him away. The knife served him as a means to deflect the wolves, ever so slightly. The blade, barely, guiding the wolves from their mouths, their trajectory reaching behind him. As he reached the tree, he climbed, as fast as he could. Xerox was safe. After stoning some of the wolves that decided they would go after Justin and Yuki, he swung over from tree to tree to reach the cave. As he arrived, he could hear Yuki, "Where is Xerox?".

Yuki was lying down, bleeding profusely from her shoulder and neck. Justin attempted to apply pressure, but the wound was fatal, and was close to her wind pipe. There was nothing that could be done. Everyone was crying.

"I am right here Yuki," Xerox cried.
"Everyone, I loved you all. Please continue to live. Xerox, please make the village we dreamed of. Lead our brothers and sisters. I know you can do it." Yuki softly spoke
"We love you too, please don't leave us" all the children cried.
"Xerox, I leave things to you. I love ..." Yuki's last breath called out.
They all cried, They could not do a thing, Xerox cried in his heart, "I loved you Yuki"

A couple of years had passed since that day, and they were living happily in the new house they built. Xerox took many precautions in laying down precautionary traps and bells for the new house for protection. They had since gained 3 new siblings. One day, Xerox's ability manifested. He could hear their thoughts, he was happy, they were happy. Except for Justin, he blamed himself for everything. Xerox did not yet fully understand his ability was not simply mind reading. Xerox accidentally wiped Justin of his memories of Yuki. Bewildered, Xerox also undid the wipe. When he lead his siblings, some seemed to stop thinking. Xerox realised, he could control, and manipulate the mind in any sort of manner. Frightened he would harm his family, he left. He wiped their memories of himself and gave Justin knowledge in planning and thinking. He also gave Sarah some of this knowledge. He was sure this was enough.

During his next year of life before imprisonment, he wondered around, helping people out of comatose and vegetable states. This lead to people believing in a mysterious healer, but got himself on the list for the new species of Homo Evoludus. Now imprisoned, he has nights where he still remembers Yuki.

Skills: - Tactician, creating plans for any situation
- Artist, drawing images to the detail (Good for map layout, architectural designs, and faces of important people in facility)
- Tracking

Power: Mental Take Over. A variation of telepathy/mind reading, where he can also control the mind and alter it in any way he likes. Making new personalities, new memories, removal of old ones, changing the way the thought process needs to work to move their body as well as even leaving nothing there, making the person a vegetable that is free to control whenever he pleases.

Threat level: 5