Redge sighed as he received the message. It was always during the most... annoying times. He put down the tool he was about to use, hearing the man give a sigh off relief. "I don't have time for this now Jacobs. Tell me what the rebels are up to.""I... I don't know... I'm just a courier. They give me things to deliver [i]that[/i] is all I do." Redge sighed again as he pulled out his blaster. "Wrong answer" as he fired a bolt into the mans head killing him instantly.He sighed before holstering his blaster again and walking out of the room and into the main building. That being done he moved to the elevator and upon accessing it traveled to the higher levels of the building. The superiors didn't like being anywhere near the levels Redge worked at, the ones that technically didn't exist. Once he arrived at the top of the building he moved up to the Generals door and knocked. Oh he hated the formality of it all. How much easier it would be if he could just walk straight into the room and not have to worry about any of this. How much easier it would be if he was given free reign, if he had that he would of had the rebels back before the Alliance staged a full out attack on the planet and had "liberated" it.