[b]"Well, get out there and deal with this!"[/b] As the words left Beatrix's mouth Measha darted to the doors and outside, a wave of excitement overcame him, his heart burned for action. Measha took a defensive stance as one of three strangers caught a wagon with ease, and launched it towards somebody in the distance. [b]"Flaming Fists: Whirlwind!"[/b] Measha began spinning in place at high speeds as fire began to surround the area around him. Without thinking, he guided the flames and launched a fireball three times his size towards the wagon. If Measha had taken a second longer the wagon would've smashed into the man in the distance, but fortunately his fireball exploded into the side of the wagon as chunks of crisp wood flew everywhere. Measha realized he was left wide open to an attack from the three strangers, but to his luck a wizard from inside the guild had rushed out just in time, tossing wind blades at the group. As the wizard fired his wind blades, Measha noticed some type of goo material had already surrounded the groups feet, and they vanished into the ground just before the wind blades could make contact. It was disappointing that they had decided to retreat, but than again maybe they weren't retreating? Measha, realizing that beside the man in the distance lay a boy and a girl, cautiously approached the group, in fear that the strangers were still here, and could be preparing for another attack. [b]"Are you guys okay?"[/b] He asked, stepping over the chunks of wood everywhere.