With a swipe of her hand she put the seal onto Hector, and right at the same time she let out her answer. "No way D class." At which his eyes Narrowed, "I am not going to have you go off on your own to a S class of all things, even if you are a Dragon Slayer. I will decide that sort of thing tonight, so you will have to wait like all the others." Before he could say anything she was off talking with others. She KNEW he could handle himself... he's been doing it alone for twenty years. on more difficult jobs than that. This is the reason he didn't join any guilds in the first place, no one can get in your way. Yet he looked away as he knew that he was now in one and it was for Beatrix's sake... not his. He was going to say something about it though when she held up her hand to him. As she did another kid came up and started reporting about what happened on his job and it didnt sound good. But it sounded good for him. He cracked his knuckles and was going to tell Beatrix let him hunt this man down When suddenly there came music so loud and horrible that it shattered one of the windows. She then Yelled at everyone to deal with it. At which he saw the first kid who just join Bolt out side... as well as another. He moved outside to see the Young kid blowing up a wagon. and the other throwing wind blades at a second group that quickly vanished into a goo. "Cowards...." Hector said under his breath as he followed the young Fire wizard to the first group. He quickly realizedit was Orin standing infront of two others on the ground. He stopped a few feet away and said, after the fire wizard asked if they are ok. "You are always in over your head Orin..." He looked to the two on the ground behind him and asked. "Whats with them?"