It was not a factor of Fury's advantage and injury, Sukoh's bone density and actual strength was more than enough to bat away the light post. However, Sukoh's attack was totally fruitless, his head was sore and there was going to be a nine foot long welt on his dome. Fury had even escaped from his attempt to trap him, flying well upwards outside of even the great bear's long reach. His companion's flanking served to do nothing more than drive the opponent away. Damnation, there was no way that he could attack Fury in that position. Sukoh had a long list of things that he can do, but none of those include flying. That is well outside of his capabilities. Although. . . With a slow intake of breath he looked down at Drag, then back up to Fury. "Grpph." This was something along the lines of: "Aha!" The bear spun around and closed his teeth on Drag's hoodie, picking him up by what can be called the scruff of his neck. There was little moment where Sukoh thought about how Drag would react to this, but he had a good enough feel about his friend that he knew that Drag could handle it. Sukoh threw himself upwards, all 32 feet of bear, into the air. At the apex of his rise his mouth flung open, releasing Drag into the air in some kind of catapult. That would give Drag a bit of air, at least enough to close the distance between the pair and Fury. Although Drag would be on his own during this fight, Sukoh could not help him in the air. The buildings around them would provide a bit of walling to prevent Fury from running too far. But Sukoh was going to be excessively worried about this fight, Drag was a tough cookie but he wasn't certain about how well he could fare against someone as strong as Fury.