Sam ran off into the kitchen and put a kettle on the fire, quickly filled it with water and rand off to the pantry. From there he took a handful of berries, a scoop of sugar and a bottle of a whine he didn't recognize. Stirring a spoon with one hand and carefully throwing the ingredients into the boiling water with the other he chanted quietly to himself. [i]"Two parts raspberries, one part sugar, a few drops of wine...right...[/i] He grabbed a knife and made a small cut on the side of his hand. [i]"One, two, three drops of blood..."[/i] The potion turned a light glowing red. [i]"Effect type: Conjuration, Healing. 5 Charges. Area of Effect: Imbiber."[/i] Constantly stirring. A sweet scent filled the kitchen as faint red smoke came from the kettle.