The goo from below the groups feet stretched over them, consuming their forms just as the wind blades struck, slicing the good and spraying it across the street, however nothing of the three remained there and soon even the goo was sinking into the ground where it had come from. Though they had truly retreated for the time being, the others did have the chance to notice their faces, not to mention the fact they also bared guild tattoo's that were strikingly alike to their own. - Orin was about to take the brunt of the wagon just before it burst into a flaming wreck, easily shattering against his body, and with one sweep of his arms he sent the pieces to his sides so that it avoided the two behind him. Though he had some minor burns, which Sophia was panicking over, he was thankful that he did not have to stop something solid coming at him full speed like that. "Thanks," Orin said it simply, but mainly because his attention was focused on Hector who was coming towards them. The guy was just as big as him, though older and he respected the guy in a way... That is if he didn't constantly try flirting with his mother. "Bah, I am fine. Nothing that can not be sorted. Besides they started it." Sophia, his sister, sighed before looking to Hector. "Hello. Yeah, he is right. They... Pretended to be us on our last job and wrecked a entire town. Kaldis and Orin fixed it though" --- Meanwhile Beatrix was confused as to what Sam was doing, btu she had more important things to worry about as she got out a large book from the books on the wall which read 'Big Book of Guild's" before placing it onto the counter of the bar and opening it to study it. She had to make sure but the others could tell her when they got back. She needed a right description before she made any rash choices.