Scallop said
Hey or one more? :3
Scallop! :D
So, I honestly was going to stop it at Kenshi but I know you Scallop and how you RP so I'll let you make a CS and join us. It'd be good to have you. ^-^
@Kenshi, One more quick thing, try to add more into his weakness section. Something psychological. Like Arrogant, Fear of [Insert Phobia], etc, etc.
Sukui said
Good enough. Might give her a slight-- and just slight, antagonistic side by trying to keep Bael and Matt away if she befriends Lily due to her ideal of keeping angels from falling in non-platonic relationships with earthly men or demons.
That would be interesting. You'll have to PM me so we can work out details. ^-^
Ebil Bunny said
By the way, everyone meet Scallop, he was in the Kamasyia Academy series with Hylian and I :)
@All, I'll be taking my final really soon so I'll be off for an hour at the most. And then I'll be back for the rest of the day! :D