[hider=Prologue]In the year 2000, a scientist known as Frederick Gabriel worked on an injection that would allow the DNA of humans to be severely altered, increasing both athletic and mental ability. Believing he could potentially heal the sick, he searched for the strongest, smartest humans to take DNA from, but his search failed. Then he turned to animals. Their ability to climb, swim, fly, hunt, and have increased senses intrigued him. He began the process of extracting an animal’s DNA fusing it with the subject’s DNA. He started using mice as a subject, and it was a success. In honor of his success, he gave the project a name: Project A. But he wanted to go further. So, he took his first step towards changing humanity. Frederick’s only option was to test on his only son, Jason, who was eight at the time. Frederick combined Jason’s DNA with the DNA of a wolf to make him stronger, faster, and have increased senses. Jason went through severe pain, and in the process, he went mad and killed Frederick. And that was the end of Project A.[/hider] [hider=Plot]Our story starts in 2015. You are a normal human who has been kidnapped and taken to a laboratory in an unknown location. You have been injected with DNA from an animal, and you are now a hybrid. You will be experimented on and tested to see if you are one of the best. If you prove to be weak, you will be disposed of. Your job is to endure these tests and prove that you are worthy of being a superhuman. Good luck.[/hider] [hider=Rules] - Please keep cussing to a minimum. There are young’uns here. - Respect other. No fighting or trolling in the OOC. - To prove you read the rules, put “Project A” in the “Other” section in the CS. - When you start out, you will be half human and half animal, still unfamiliar with your powers. So please, don’t be OP and start killing the scientists. - I control the scientists. No one else has the right. This is to avoid the RP going in the wrong direction. - You may choose ONE animal that you will be fused with. If you don’t know what to choose, I can choose for you. - Romance is allowed, but nothing more than kissing. - You may have up to two characters. Please choose whether or not your character will be one of the best, or will be too weak. If you have two characters, have one of them be a superhuman, and one of them be a weak hybrid. - I reserve the right to give you a warning, and if need be, ban you if you disobey any of these rules or are being very unreasonable. [/hider] [hider=Character Skeleton ]Name: (First and last. Middle is optional. Nickname: (Optional) Gender: Age: (18+) Animal: (Choose the animal you have been combined with. Preferrably land and sky animals.) Appearance: (Describe in detail or use a picture to describe how your character looks. Please provide a normal human look, human-animal look, and a full animal look.) Personality: (No perfect characters. Please provide at least a few flaws.) History: (Optional.) Other: (Anything about your character that didn’t fit anywhere else? Is there anything you were supposed to put here?) [/hider] [hider=Characters] Fiddler: Allison Rose Collins (Monarch Butterfly) FireHeartWolf: Sylas Ethan Morrigan (Eagle) HazmatMedic: Lucien La Volpe (Silver Fox) FireFoxOfDawn: Kazumi Hasegawa (Deer) WinterNightSky: Reserved (Lion) Frankenmouse: Alexandra Pierce (Rat) Yog Sothoth: Finnius O'Connell | Reserved (Tasmanian Devil) breathofarda: Morgan Douglas (Leopard) orcpunx: Reserved Zamokra41: Reserved (Grizzly Bear) [/hider]