[hider=Allison Rose Collins] Name: Allison Rose Collins Nickname: Alice, Ally. Gender: Female Age: 19. Animal: Butterfly Appearance: Human: Allison stands at 5’8’’ with pale skin, long wavy red hair reaching her shoulder blades, and an hourglass figure. She has blue eyes and freckles, which is often what she is recognized for. She usually wears a long white dress with a jean jacket and sandals. Human-Animal: She has her regular features along with the wings and antennae of a classic Monarch Butterfly. Her wings are red and black, and are almost as big as her body. Animal: She is a human-size Monarch Butterfly in her animal form. Personality: Allison is very shy and insecure, never opening up to anyone right away. She is soft-spoken, and goes unnoticed often. She has a very good sense of justice, as well as good morals. She is loyal to her friends and never turns a blind eye to those in need. She is not very brave, but she is very supportive and knows how to lift someone’s spirits. History: (To be revealed in the story.) Other: None. [/hider] You may now post.