Elliot jumped to her feet when the glass of the guild shattered. She jumped out one of the windows, being sure to avoid any of the newly broken glass and looked around outside, ready to fight. However, when she got out there, it seem the attackers had already feld and there was nothing and no one to be dealt with. Ellie was a little disappointed, she was itching to do something! She sighed and crossed her arms, not impressed. She over heard Orin talking to Hector about the people impersonating them on their mission. She walked over, "Well, that's... odd," she said quietly, "Why would people be wanting to ruin our image? We're just barely a guild... It's not like we are a threat to anyone..." She pursed her lips, "Maybe it has something to do with the job that you guys were doing..." She looked at Hector and smirked slightly at the tattoo on his wrist. He clearly had something for Beatrix or someone, if he was willing to stick around at a low tier guild that she was at. He really did seem to hate her. She looked back at Orin, "Did they say anything?"