Status: One of the better hybrids Name: Lucien La Volpe Nickname: None so far Gender: Male Age: 20 Animal: Silver Fox Appearance: Lucien, in his all human form, is a tall, somewhat handsome fellow, with eyes that have been said to "look straight into your soul". He is slender and agile, although slightly below average strength, and is easily able to outrun and outmanoeuvre most people he comes across. He is pale skinned, almost albino white, stands about 6' tall, with short black hair. In semi-animal form he gains a set of black fox ears and a short black tail In full animal form, he becomes a black fox, roughly the size of a large dog. Personality: Lucien is a cunning, intelligent young man. He remains calm even in the face of extreme danger and pressure and won't hesitate to do what is necessary. He is soft-spoken and delicate, and is capable of understanding things that make most people's heads spin. This makes him naturally gifted at engineering and computing. However, he is suspicious and paranoid, unwilling to talk to anyone he doesn't either know well or have a need of. He is constantly checking over his shoulder and refuses to share important details until he knows the person well enough. If one hasn't earned his full trust, he will constantly keep tabs on said person. He is also more inclined to run than fight, only standing his ground if retreat is not an option. History: To be revealed Other: He's British. Don't see how that adds to anything, but he is a Brit of Italian descent. Project A