[quote=ChunkyCaptain] How you refer to the mentally Ill is a major turn off. Seriously it's kinda of offensive, it makes me think you don't care about the subject matter at all, that these people and the stress their families go through is a joke. [/quote] [img=http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/8f/8fc3162d32c7e051f086e0b5b18c443365deb6892f3fe5bc6f2677bba3447afd.jpg] It's a RP about crazy psychos, demented teens going nuts on killing sprees. My God. [quote=Rune_Alchemist] I'm kind of interested myself, but if its just an asylum RP where we play 'insane' people, it just seems kind of...Hrm...bland?Either way, I always enjoy playing a crazy person~I'll keep an eye on this, to see where it goes. [/quote] We'll develop a plot. This is a simple interest check.