[WIP] Name: Finnius O'Connell Nickname: Finn Gender: male Age: 18 Animal: Tasmanian Devil Appearance: [hider=appearance][b]human look[/b] [img]http://media.joe.ie/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/story_12347_12347-xlarge.jpg[/img] [b]half human look:[/b] he has black eyes and sharp claws instead of ordinary fingernails. he also gets pointy ears and a sharp teeth when in this form [b]animal look[/b] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/TasmanianDevil_1888.jpg/800px-TasmanianDevil_1888.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Finnius is fairly social and is pretty loyal to his friends. ever since becoming a hybrid, Finn has developed a more aggressive and violent side thanks to the DNA of a Tasmanian Devil being put inside him. because of this, he can have anger problems and tries to keep his animal instincts in check. History: (Optional.) Other: (Anything about your character that didn’t fit anywhere else? Is there anything you were supposed to put here?) Project A