During all the commotion, Akira merely sat at the bar, observing how the others reacted to the situation. As one member sprinted outside and another followed, Akira ran outside himself to watch the action. While one wizard launched a fireball and another conjured wind blades, Akira took note of the three strangers standing outside the guild. He was familiar with the guild seals they possessed. and certainty did not expect the Azure Dragon to attract this sort of attention. Very interesting indeed. He was impressed with the tenacity the other members showed as they darted outside to assess the situation. Turning towards the bar, he noticed Beatrix slam a familiar book onto the counter. Things were definitely about to get much more interesting. Akira ran to the group outside to help. [b]"Hey, is everybody okay? Is anyone hurt?"[/b] He asked in a worried tone. --- A simple thanks was all the man would muster before turning his attention to the man from before, the one with the giant ego. So the guys name was Orin? He recalled Beatrix speaking of him earlier. Measha noticed Orin's guild tattoo, along with the others. So this must have been the group that went out on the mission. The girl that lay unconscious beside him seemed awake. Apparently the strangers had impersonated the guild, wrecking an entire town in the process. Something was very suspicious, he doubted it was a coincidence these strangers impersonated the guild, and then the guild itself was then attacked. Measha assumed the boy that lay asleep was Kaldis. [b]"What a heavy sleeper"[/b] he thought to himself. As another girl approached the group and spoke to Orin and somebody with long blue hair wielding a katana rushed outside to join them, Measha couldn't help but feel out of place. Everyone seemed to know eachother except for him. The best thing to do was inform Beatrix of the situation. Measha ran inside the guild and saw Beatrix at the bar, studying a book. This reminded him that when the opportunity presented itself, he should take a look at the book Fargo had given him earlier. But that wasn't important right now, he ran up and approached Beatrix. [b]"Master, the situation is somewhat under control. The source of the noise seemed to be coming from three strangers standing outside of the guild, I wasn't really able to get a good look at them, some kind of goo absorbed their bodies and they vanished into the ground. One of the three was wearing a uniform, and wielding a large axe, another was a girl holding some kind of box, and the last was an old man, hunched over wearing glasses. Um, somebody by the name of Orin just arrived too, along with two others. I think their okay, i'm not sure. What should we do next?"[/b] Measha gave somewhat of a military like report to Beatrix. He was eager to hear her response, and was ready to confront the strangers that attacked the guild. He wasn't able to fight them properly, but he would make sure to remedy that the next time they met.