[center][img]https://s2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/CBGIueGlGM8j9dsL7rJdxA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/publish-images/tv/2014-03-13/8d05b200-aada-11e3-9c6d-93c00e818172_v2_bjorn_09132013_jh_00584.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Yes I know it's Bjorn from Vikings. No Matt is not a viking.[/center] [center]Name: Matt Schafer[/center] [center]Nickname: Matty (just not to his face)[/center] [center]Age: 24[/center] [center]Family: Richard Schafer (Father/deceased), Mary Schafer (Mother/deceased), Irwin Schafer (Grandfather/Alive)[/center] [center]Relationship status: TBD[/center] [center]Pack:RedThorn (R.T. FOR LIFE)[/center] [center]Pack Rank:TBD[/center] [center]Wolf appearance[/center] [center][img]http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/005/cache/grey-wolf_565_600x450.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Personality: Matt is headstrong, ambitious, but not entirely heartless. He cares about the well being of the Redthorns, but he understands that, as with all things in the natural world, those who cannot survive on their own will die, and those who survive will thrive. He believes that one day, he could be the next Alpha, but until then, he will give his life for his pack.[/center] [center]Likes: Fighting, Hunting, Metal Music (where he can find it) [/center] [center]Dislikes: Cowardice, Naivete, Being alone[/center] [center]Skills: Matt is a fighter at heart, but he also has a general's mind for strategy, and he does not fight recklessly. He finds enjoyment in leading others to victory and glory, and he loves his pack mates. But one thing that Matt can grasp that not many other's can is self sacrifice. No leader should be frivolous with the lives of his followers, but if it comes to that, Matt will do what is necessary to protect the pact, even at the cost of his own life. [/center] [center]History: Matt lived a fairly normal childhood, unaware that his father had kept his lycanthropic nature hidden from even his wife. On Matt's 12th birthday, the family car slipped on a patch of black ice, killing both Richard and Elizabeth. Young Matt was comatose for nearly 6 weeks, but when he awoke, he found that most of his scars would never go away. As his only family, Grandfather Schafer took in the boy, and told him of his legacy as a werewolf. Irwin Schafer has been a loyal pack follower of the RedThorn's all his life, and brought his grandson into the fold and taught him the nature of his powers. (Is that OK? I wasn't sure when werewolf-ism manifested in people, so I just sort of went for it. If it clashes with what you have I can change it.)[/center] [center]Any other information: None right now. May expand later. [/center] [center]Quote: [i]Don't worry. We got this.[/i][/center]