Orin answered him. "Bah, I am fine. Nothing that can not be sorted. Besides they started it." Then a little girl said, "Hello. Yeah, he is right. They... Pretended to be us on our last job and wrecked a entire town. Kaldis and Orin fixed it though" He raised an eyebrow as they said that. But before he could say anything he saw that Elliot walked over, "Well, that's... odd," she said quietly, "Why would people be wanting to ruin our image? We're just barely a guild... It's not like we are a threat to anyone..." She pursed her lips, "Maybe it has something to do with the job that you guys were doing..." "There are many reasons...why people do these things, question is how sane are they? if they are insane then well forget about even trying to reason why they did." He noticed her looked at his forearm with the tattoo on it and smirking He sighed He could expect more taunting from her later on. She looked back at Orin, "Did they say anything?" Hector thought about what had happened, if they were trying to impersonate the guild it could be for a couple of reasons...to make the guild look like a bunch of bandits, to either ruin it before they get started, perhaps they knew how many strong wizards had already joined. or to use the cover for their gain, Now with them attacking and fleeing... it could be a way to provoke us to attack them so they can sit back and tell the magic council we attacked them, and with the guild being so new Beatix wouldnt have much sway in the matter and the guild would be disbanded before they even took traction. He finally spoke up." They are probably trying to provoke us or scare us... As to why we can only guess. " Looking down at the kid who was sleeping he heard a man ask if everyone was ok. He glanced to see a blue hair man with a sword. He didnt answer but he reached down and picked up the sleeping kid with one arm and flopped him over his shoulder. " Come on... lets go tell Beatrix." He turned and walked back into the guild and saw the Fire wizard reporting to Beatrix. He shook his head... the kid had energy, but he was a fire cracker about to go off. He plopped the kid on his shoulder on a table near the bar and said. "Well Beatrix, figure out who has a grudge against you yet? I can have them here in twenty four hours if you wanted..., or you gunna give me that class crap again?"