[i]“As Claire has stated, the most important thing right now is to find out what we are dealing with. In all likelihood, the task will be your’s Sorren, but the decision will be made tomorrow. That aside if this darkness is as Princess Zokura has described, I suspect the heaviest burdens will fall on our companions and partners. To that end, I expect every one of you to push them. We must be ready should things turn for the worst. I would also ask for Ser Zion and Adomorn to scour for any piece of information that may relate to this. Even legends, which are mainly the works of Legendaries, may be of use.”[/i] [i]"If I may knowing your enemy is only half the battle. Whatever this darkness you're talking about is, something has to be the cause, correct? This kind of thing doesn't just happen, after all. I think we should go there, find the source, and eliminate it. I'm aware of the danger, but that's precisely why we should get this done quick. We don't want whatever's causing this to get comfortable blacking out our skies, do we? If neither of you object, I would like to personally head this operation. I have past experiences as a leader, and in sudden attacks on the enemy."[/i] Claire listened to Chau's words, and nodded. She agreed with most of the things he had said. Information was key in any strategy, which is why Ana's suggestion annoyed her slightly. She knew of her history as a bandit. She didn't like that too much, but she had proved herself to be a person worth respecting in some regard, so Claire had no qualms about that. What she didn't like, was the way she did things. Aside from the fact she probably wanted to just rush in, attack whatever was up there and hope for the best, she wanted to be the leader as well. She was fine, with the second part as long as she was given decent, well thought out orders. Decent and well thought out, she did not think Ana was capable of. [b]"And if we act hastily and send people there to just blindly attack whatever it is, it could be disastrous."[/b] Claire stated after Ana. [b]"You're guerrilla tactics may have served you well as a bandit, but this is an entirely different game, Ana."[/b] She said in a serious tone, pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts. [b]"Caution and stealth here will prove more valuable than an outright attack. Send Sorren and possibly someone else as a scout, and wait for them to find it, and report back with some information on what exactly we're dealing with here before we do anything else. Then we could possibly send some people to attack, if the situation calls for it. A large force makes us much too visible, and the enemy will react accordingly either by attacking us, or by retreating to a place that we can't find them. Remember,"[/b] Claire gave Ana and the others present a serious look. [b]"The enemy already has an upper hand here. They know of us, but we don't know of it. It is likely they are prepared for most forms of retaliation. We do not need to give them more of an advantage by playing into their hands."[/b]