Zokura sat quietly, listening to the words of the guards and her royal advisor, her eyes following the movement of speech from one person to the next. [i]"I think it would be best to send someone to see what exactly this darkness you speak of is, princess."[/i] Claire was right, there was no point in trying to cumulate an appropriate offence without knowing what kind of defence they were up against. When the female guard had silenced herself, it was Chau that spoke up next. While Zokura valued each of their opinions, she was especially attentive to the words of the head guard; he did not achieve the honoured position he held by under-thinking he decision and options. [i]“As Claire has stated, the most important thing right now is to find out what we are dealing with. In all likelihood, the task will be your’s Sorren, but the decision will be made tomorrow. [/i] He spoke with purpose and definite reason, it was clear the man was playing out possible outcomes in his mind and considered an intel gathering mission to be the most successful first movement. Two, so far, had offered the idea of identifying what lay on the horizon before any further action. Zokura furrowed her brow. Though Sorren was specifically trained for missions like this, she did not like the idea of sending any of her guard into the unknown darkness that seeped into the skies. [i] "I suspect the heaviest burdens will fall on our companions and partners. To that end, I expect every one of you"[/i] At these words, the princess could not help but glance around the room at each of the majestic, powerful pokemon that had offered their services to the royal guard and family. The idea of these selfless pokemon being injured in their duty simply appalled her. It would appear ruling a kingdom was not so simple when the safety of those around you were at risk. She wondered if she could truly handle this. Was she the ruler these lands needed? Deserved? Was there not a fiercer, war-wise leader that could protect them better? What would her father do in the face of such peril? Her mother's words then wafted into her conscious mind. [i]"A queen must work twice as hard as a King. People respect and trust men as rulers by default, they naturally feel safe at the strong, worn hands of a king. But a queen... we do not have it so easy. People do not think a noble-born woman can run a keep and win a war. No, my dear, we must watch carefully for a moment to demand the attention and respect of the people, to prove our capability and forever claim their loyalty. A queen has many tools at her disposal, Zokura, and if used properly, she may tear down even the fiercest of kings and their kingdoms. Pay great mind to what surrounds you. Find that moment, that turning point, and seize your place as a true leader of the people."[/i] This was her moment... she needed to clear her mind and take hold of this misfortune. She needed to be the leader her mother was, be the leader she knew she could be. When Ana spoke next, the others were quick to turn down her bold proposition. [i]"Knowing your enemy is only half the battle. Whatever this darkness you're talking about is, something has to be the cause, correct? This kind of thing doesn't just happen, after all. I think we should go there, find the source, and eliminate it."[/i] But Zokura heard something the other's did not hear and noticed that Ana was the only one to identify an important point. [i]"You're guerrilla tactics may have served you well as a bandit, but this is an entirely different game, Ana."[/i] The rivalry between the two momentarily showed its face. [i]"Caution and stealth here will prove more valuable than an outright attack. Send Sorren and possibly someone else as a scout, and wait for them to find it, and report back with some information on what exactly we're dealing with here before we do anything else...The enemy already has an upper hand here. They know of us, but we don't know of it. It is likely they are prepared for most forms of retaliation. We do not need to give them more of an advantage by playing into their hands."[/i] Zokura paid close attention to the words of each. Then, Zion, her dear friend and trusted advisor spoke. [i] “If this were a conventional enemy I would agree wholeheartedly with Ana, sweeping them away in a surprise attack could very well save more lives than it would cause. However under these circumstances I believe it would be the exact opposite. As of the moment we have no knowledge of what we are facing. It could be a single enemy, or an entire horde.”[/i] He was wise as could be and spoke many of the words swirling about in her own mind. Then, the man suggested an interesting proposition involving Chau's gengar. Zokura was surprised at the idea and was curious as to what gengar, Chau, and Sorren would say. When Zion fell quiet, Zokura looked around, ensuring she was in the right to speak without interrupting. As she shifted her weight to stand up, Suicune approached the table and stood at her side. [i][b]"It would appear there are two options being presented here: attack, or seek knowledge then attack."[/b][/i] Came the velvety voice of the great hound. [b][i]"I hear many references to this darkness as being an army, a horde, a force. But it would be wise to consider this: what army, what horde, what force of man could blacken the sky and consume the very light of the sun? Who, I ask you? If there there is a man on this earth with such power, I would not dare face him, for he would hold an unnatural power."[/i][/b] She turned her large head and gazed out at the horizon through the massive window behind her. [b][i]"This darkness is not the work of a man nor the work of a man's army. This is the power of a pokemon, or the pooled power of many. The strength of the darkness I witnessed this morning would lead me to believe a legendary is involved, it could be one of many or multiple. Giratina, the ruler of the otherworld has great power and a far from fair temper. Rayquaza, ruler of the higher skies may have opened up a darkness from beyond our world. Yveltal, the great bringer of destruction may be ascending a path of ruin on the distant lands. Zekrom, Reshiram, Regigigas, any could have brought up a great disturbance in the natural order. There are many possibilities of pokemon created imbalance, for our power is great but we are not perfect. Do not underestimate the strength of the pokemon you will face, and I saw will, because no man can blacken the skies. Not in our world."[/b][/i] The icy legendary stepped back and sat, reclaiming her natural silence. Zokura nodded fondly at her companion's wisdom before standing to speak. [b]"There is much that is right in the words offered here today; we cannot attack blindly at the risk of over-empowerment. Something must, indeed, be causing this and it would be unwise to assume we are facing a simple foe, large or small. We must seek knowledge from the legends, for they are words of endless wisdom and experience. This job will be offered to you, Sorren, but you will not go alone. Who goes with you, be it one or two companions, will yet be decided. Ana is right on the concept of snuffing out this disaster as soon as possible. We must act quickly, but we cannot be rash. Chau, you are to arrange a training regime to elevate the preparedness of the legendaries of our keep and the soldiers of your guard. Adomorn, Zion, if you would comply with Chau Duo's suggestion and seek out knowledge in your own ways."[/b] It was hard to make sense of the many statements offered in the short time elapsed in the meeting, but she would try to arrange each vital piece of information that was offered up. Before reclaiming her seat she spoke a final few words. [b]"Now are the times, more than ever, to trust your companions. Suicune made a vital point, and I believe she is right. No man could create what seeps into our skies, but we haven't a clue to what legendary lies in wait and what minions and support it has at its heels. This will be no ordinary battle."[/b] She sat, her brow furrowed as her mind ran wild. Was she making the right decisions? What did the guard think? She wished for her mother and father's advice and consolation now, more than ever, but knew she solely owned this responsibility.