You are dead. Or at least your character(s) are. You wake up one day in the afterlife, a place that looks, smells, feels, sounds and even tastes the same as the real world, except for a few key differences that you wouldn't notice unless you were the kind of person that is either wrong in the head or is just plain unlucky. The most important of those differences is, you can't die. If you're hurt or "die" while in the afterlife, you simply return to life a few hours later, all in one piece. Another different thing is that almost anything can be built from almost anything else, including mere dirt. That way, you could build toys, computers, guns, cars or even Saturn V rockets, as long as you know the inner workings of what you're trying to build. In other words, if you want to make things from dirt, you need some expertise. But enough of that. This RP is based off from the anime Angel Beats! so we'll be using that as the source material, not the light novels or manga (because I haven't read those and I'm the GM). If you have any questions, feel free to ask away! Also, post your CS here for approval before posting on the IC. The CS format is as follows: Name: Age: (School age only, everyone that gets to the afterworld couldn't live out their youthful days, explained on episode 9) Appearance: (Preferably a picture or drawing or something along those lines) Affiliation: (In case they have been in the afterlife for a while now. Initially there will be two factions: The Blacks (a school gang) and The Council (acting as the school council, but in reality just another gang). Little difference between the two, except that members of The Council act prim and proper during the day (think Angel/Tachibana Kanade and Naoi Ayato)) And that's it! I prefer not to include any personality and biography sections as those would be better fleshed out during the game itself, and what they regret (a requisite to stay in the afterworld) is better to keep secret unless you want other characters to know it, too. Anyway, a few notes and rules: - No people that commited suicide (mentioned in episode 2) - NPCs are very realistic and can be interacted with like any other human, but people in the gangs prefer not to since most that do end up passing on. - The requisite for passing on is to get rid of what you died regretting. - Here's a bird's eye view of the school, taken from episode 11: [url][/url] And that's that, for now... anything else I'll be letting you know. I'll start the IC as soon as we have 4 people or more (not counting myself).