(Well, yes and no. They're twinkie brand cornflakes. As in, the company making twinkies survived for all these years somehow , and now 'expanded' to also making twinkie flavoured cornflakes or something. :P Imagine ) "Didn't see him? He was pretty obvious, the way he was following us for the last 30 seconds or so, and was constantly eyeing your cart." She replied, not realizing that she had only seen the guy because of her expert eyes when it came to spotting danger or something alike. At the apartment Eve just sat down after having had a few bites, and having put the opened box away with the other two. After a while he called her again, as now it was time to go shopping for some extra clothes for her. The question he asked was a difficult one though. "Hmm...what I like...well, what I'm wearing now is pretty comfortable, but I guess I'd have to see some different styles first." She mused. "So going to a few stores and seeing what they have standing in their display window would be a good start." The way back to the stores was pretty much uneventful. A fight was going on between 3 guys, but that was none of their business in the end. Once at the stores again the two visited 3 different stores before Eve decided that she had found the right one to buy her clothes at. It was actually one of the cheaper stores as well. This one sold pretty standard Junkyard wear. Synthesized leather clothes, baggy clothes, military-looking designs, things like that. Eve was quick to head to the section that had the military-looking clothes. For some reason she found those the most appealing, so she wanted at least one set. After that she went to the leather section to grab a leather jacket. And then she finally headed to the 'misc' section that held baggy clothes and just other things they had managed to get their hands on. After about half an hour of browsing Eve found Jurgen again. She now had 3 sets of clothes. Two tank tops, a very baggy shirt that would probably easily slip over her shoulder if she wasn't careful, cargo pants with a camo design, jeans, a pair of shorts, 3 panties, 3 pairs of socks, and a cap with a camo design. "Guess that's about all I want." She told him, holding up the stack for a moment. "The only thing I might still want is an extra supply of cigarettes, but those can wait. Anything you still need?"